Why everyone is a photographer these days..

Everyone is a photographer these days.


For the most part I believe there is one reason, but people think there are more reasons like:
• Digital has made everything easier
• There are so many photo apps now
• Everyone has a nice mobile camera in their hands
* Gear is so cheap these days
• Everyone has got an instagram and facebook
• Education and learning is free
• New photographers pop up everywhere and will shoot for free.

While some of these reasons are valid and true, sadly I think there is one real reason why there are so many photographers these days:

People want to be liked..... I want to be liked and you want to be liked.

And that's pretty much it.
But many people have boring jobs or jobs that they’re not passionate about.
Food servers, bank-tellers, doctors, salespeople, teachers, even musicians…

I have friends with all of the above job descriptions who would rather take photos.  Some of them make far more money than a photographer would.

So what’s the deal?  Why the interest?

No one tells them “You really killed it today, waiting those tables.”
No one gets 1,000 likes for teaching a kindergarten class.
No doctor gets over 2000 likes when he saves a life.

Sure, we all know that saving a life is more important than photography and teaching is an incredible and honorable profession.

But those doctors and teachers and waiters are just like you and me.  Deep down they want to be seen, heard, ...  acknowledged.

People come home from their jobs, post a photo to Instagram or Facebook and get validation by everyone. “Epic.” or “That looks crazy!"  or “You should really take this more seriously” or “OMG AMAZING!!!!” or an endless series of complimentary hashtags. On top of that, all our friends see those compliments. It’s the most uplifting ego boost possible, isn’t it?

Being a photographer has become the new“rockstar” in an online, visual culture.

But do they get these compliments from their other jobs? probably not.

So they come home and buy a camera.  Snap a pic, and get acknowledged.  What do I say?

I say “Welcome. You’re just like me. I love photography too"

However, its important to see where our desires come from when we click "post".  If left uncheck, it can grow into self gratification, boastfulness and empty conceit. 

Im definitely guilty of this too, but we’re all in this together guys.  The Apostle Paul writes "All things are permissible, but not everything is beneficial" - 1 Corinthians 10:23
Lets shoot photos and share our images with our motives in check.  A motive of Love sharing, and giving, and not of vanity/self-need.